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Epidemiology summer school

Castel Brando, Cison Di Valmarino, Treviso, Italy , Italien

The School offers introductory and advanced courses in medical statistics and epidemiology, and their application to clinical and etiology research and public health. It is meant to provide researchers, physicians, and health professionals with insight into available analytical tools for planning research, handling data, and interpreting results. These allow the use of scientific data, including… Läs mer »Epidemiology summer school


Sommer school – Biostatistics for Researchers

Utrecht , Nederländerna

The course provides an introduction into statistical methodology for life sciences and discusses a number of statistical techniques for practical data analysis. Concrete examples and case studies are used to apply the theory to practical situations.  The statistical techniques covered are several T tests, Chi‐square tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), (multiple) linear and logistic regression… Läs mer »Sommer school – Biostatistics for Researchers

Nordisk sommerskole i cancerepidemiologi

  Nordic Summer School in Cancer Epidemiology, en kurs arrangerad av ANCR (Association of Nordic Cancer Registries) som går vartannat år. Kursen är helt kostnadsfri och riktar sig till studenter och doktorander. Plats finns för ett trettiotal deltagare, varav cirka fem är reserverade för svenska studenter. Deadline för ansökan är den 15 maj. https://www.kreftregisteret.no/ancr/summer-school/  … Läs mer »Nordisk sommerskole i cancerepidemiologi