Intensivkurs i epidemiologi
Aberdeen, Skotland31st Intensive Course in Applied Epidemiology 2024
31st Intensive Course in Applied Epidemiology 2024
Välkommen till årsmöte och seminarium 10 april: Seminarium I samband med SVEP:s årsmöte bjuder vi in till seminarium kl 13.00-15.00 Seminariet är ett samarrangemang med Svensk demografisk förening: How does the composition of the population affect our interpretation of average effects, and what can epidemiologists and demographers learn from each other about this? Se bifogat… Läs mer »SVEP Seminarium och årsmöte
EUROPEAN CAUSAL INFERENCE MEETING Causal inference in health, economic and social science Copenhagen, Denmark, April 17-19, 2024
Save the date for NordicEpi 2024. Please note the following important deadlines: 28th January 2024: Deadline for abstract and symposia submission 8th April 2024: Early bird registration 3rd June 2024: Deadline for registration We hope to see many of you in Copenhagen in June 2024!
Nordic Summer School in Cancer Epidemiology, en kurs arrangerad av ANCR (Association of Nordic Cancer Registries) som går vartannat år. Kursen är helt kostnadsfri och riktar sig till studenter och doktorander. Plats finns för ett trettiotal deltagare, varav cirka fem är reserverade för svenska studenter. Deadline för ansökan är den 15 maj. … Läs mer »Nordisk sommerskole i cancerepidemiologi
International society for pharmacoepidemiology annual meeting
36th annual conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology
It is our pleasure to host the World Congress of Epidemiology from September 24-27, 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa. We will return to an in-person format for this edition of the triennial congress of the International Epidemiological Association (IEA). It will be wonderful to have the global epidemiology community together again!
The Swedish Network for Register-Based Research (SWE-REG) announce that The Swedish Register-Based Research Summit will be hosted in Stockholm on 2 December 2024. The conference will be devoted to exploring the rich diversity of research using register data in Sweden, other Nordic countries, and elsewhere.