The Swedish Network for Register-Based Research (SWE-REG) welcomes you to the Swedish Register-Based Research Summit, an international interdisciplinary conference for register-based research. The conference will take place in Stockholm on November 9, 2022, in connection to and in collaboration with Registerforskningens dag organized by the Swedish Research Council (VR) on November 8 at the same… Läs mer »Swedish register-based summit
Nordic Pharmacoepidemiological Network (NorPEN) is a network of research groups with the purpose of facilitating research within the field of pharmacoepidemiology in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). NorPEN organizes annual 2-3 days scientific meetings held in turns in each Nordic country. In November 2022, it is a turn of Finnish research… Läs mer »NORPENs årlige möte